Our HOF Board is on record of saying the museum will be done by July 2014. We are expecting the costs to run approx. $200,000 to finalize the displays inside. We intend to find in-kind sponsors and keep all costs to a minimum. We have raised over $105,000 from Waste Management, MB Bank and Molex. Sure we are trying to get big sponsors, but that is not easy. If you have one or you could be one tell us.
If we sell 400 bricks we make it. It would be awesome if all our inductees, teams, some fans and ball players of this generation contributed.. Then we could all feel like we had a part in the building of our sport’s legacy. Note the donors listed…we are just scratching the surface.
The Hall of Fame is a 501c3, so any donation is write-off. We all have taxes to be paid, why give the money to the IRS…any amount donated towards the HOF can be seen…forever. Get 10 people to kick in $25 each for your team. Honor a friend or family member forever. Ask your company.
Why not help now, If you have been waiting now is the time. We are 12 months away…to make history. Odds are you are part of this great game…show your pride.
Al Maag and the Hall of Fame Board