Members of the Kool Vent Awning team would have been very surprised to find out the age of the kid they often called on to fill in for missing players. Dennis Migala was only 15 when he played for one of the top teams in 16″ softball history. He started playing sandlot baseball at age 10, and by the time he was 15 he had achieved a solid reputation on the diamond. Dennis played for the Crusaders during the early to mid 50’s, before he switched to Interstate Motors, out of Kell’s Field, and O’Boyle Transfer at Clarendon Park. He then went on to play for various teams formed and managed by Hall of Famer Moose Camillo. Dennis Migala retired from softball in the late 1960s to pursue another passion; golf. In 2000, he had been a property and casualty broker since 1969, forming his own company in 1975, and merging with American Insurance Agency in 1986. He and his wife, Helene, have a daughter and three grandchildren.