The Trojans began in 1980 with a group of High School friends led by Jeff Fritz and Greg Searle. Over the years the desire to play the great game of 16-inch softball grew which led to moving up the ranks in competition. Their foundation was playing out of the Mt. Prospect Park district leagues, and they began playing in many National Competition qualifiers and weekend tournaments from Blue Island, Illinois to Trevor, Wisconsin. They also played in the TV League. Bill Walsh was Nationals MVP in 1996 and Dave Maize was Nationals MVP in 2000 when they won Class A ASA National Titles. There are countless memories built over the years with big league and tournament wins including Franklin Park in 1996 and a 5th place finish in 2001 Major Nationals in Schaumburg, IL. And they were a 7-time participant in the Forest Park No Glove Nationals. 22 years The Trojans played Chicago’s game…for the love and competition at the highest levels…it is an honor to be recognized by the Hall of Fame.