Most great softball players grew up playing the game in the parks and schoolyards of the Chicagoland area. Young players would begin playing the game as soon as they could pick up the ball, and they competed against the older guys in the neighborhood until they could one day beat them at their own game, and the cycle of competition would continue. Tom Newman’s career fits this scenario perfectly. He played football and baseball at George Washington High School, but in his senior year he picked up softball as a seventeen year old leadoff man. In 1976 he played with Dago Park Softball, a team that played for fifteen years. After losing the championship at Trumbell Park, they became a y the Eastsiders (Tom Newman played with them off an on for twenty years) in 1977. They beat the older Eastside team and entered the world of “big time” softball, playing at Harvey and Blue Island, winning the 32 team Metro title at Calumet Park in 1980, and finishing fifth at the ASA Major tournament. In 1982 while playing with the Condors, Newman won the ASA batting title at the Nationals in South Dakota. In 1986 Tom Newman formed a five year partnership with the Whips, helping them to ASA National titles in 1988, 89, and 90. They were runners-up in 1987 and captured fourth place in 1986. They won numerous USSSA and ASA state titles and championships at the top parks in the Chicago area. From 1991 to 1997 Tom Newman played with the Eastsiders and the Stickmen, winning titles at Blue Island, Kelly Park, and at Hawthorne Park. 1998 found Tom Newman joining the Men from Uncle, named for their Hall of Fame sponsor, “Uncle” Pete Crnjak. They dominated play at Blue Island and ended the season with an ASA “A” State Championship and an ASA “A” National Championship. Tom Newman won 1st Team ASA All- American honors. From 1996 through 2002, Newman played at Mt. Greenwood with Jay’s, a who’s who team of softball veterans. He also played with Storm out of Whiting, Indiana. In 2002 he was named to the All Tournament team at Hawthorne Park, the NSA All-Tournament team, the ASA All American team where Storm was ASA “A” runners-up. Tom Newman was one of the top run producers of his era who showed his love of the game by being one of the first players on the field. While he never played a set position, he did favor first, second, and short center and became a pitcher late in his career. Tom Newman principally batted third and was known as a gap hitter who would get a clutch hit at a key point in the game. Tom Newman lives in Munster, Indiana with his wife, Cathy. They have three children: Lindsey, Jeremy, and Corey. He is a member of the Local 281 Sprinklerfitters Union.