I started playing softball in 7th grade during
recess; then in day camp, where my skills and
knowledge of the game were honed by playing
with and against players 3 or more years older
than me. It was during my early teens that I first
saw men’s organized 16” softball being played
at 71st and South Park under the lights which
motivated me into wanting to do the same. I
started playing official 16” softball in the summer
of 1973 before my senior year. Upon graduation
in 1974, I began playing in the Cocktail league
at Grand Crossing with the Zodiacs. From the
following years to the present (still active), I
played for the Renegades (75-79), The Old Tymers
(79-88), The McClanmen (80-89) , The Flashes
(1986), The Demons (87-91), State of Shock (92-
93), Hot City (94), West Side Express (95-99),
Fammily (94-09, 11- present), The Hood (2010),
Fammily/Assassins (2021- ). Playing with and
against future hall of famers decidedly developed
and enhanced my skills. I’ve tried to be a good
teammate and show good sportsmanship.
My personal achievements include: getting 6 hits
in one game with The Renegades in 1976, twice
getting 8 consecutive hits (State of Shock and West
Side Express), pitched 2 no-hitters (7-2-97 with
Fammily vs Alpha Giants at Washington Park,
7/98 with West Side Express vs Wrecking Crew
at Garfield Park), pitched a 21 inning victory with
Fammily vs Bushwackers at Washington Park, had
right hip (95), left hip (01) and right shoulder (13)
replaced yet God has allowed me to continue
playing. The game truly needs ambassadors and
contributors which is why I coached high school 16”
softball at Gage Park High School (4 consecutive
sectional championships 06,07,08,09) in 07
being an elite 8 city finalist. I became an IHSA
umpire and umpired elementary and high school.
I umpired 2 high school championships (18
and 20). Combined with my spirituality,
16” softball has truly contributed to molding
me into becoming and staying humble
and by being an ambassador due to my
longevity. This is year 48 and my goal is
at least 50 (God willing). In conclusion, I
hope I honored and gave the game what it
deserves. Thank you for your consideration.