Stan Bachusz

Stan Bachusz began playing softball in the 8th grade at St. Angela School on Chicago’s West Side. In high school, friends from the local parish would play on Sundays against other parishes and neighborhoods in the area for bragging rights as to which group was better. Upon graduating from Chicago’s St. Patrick High School in 1976 where he played baseball and received All Conference honors, Stan began playing softball outside of the local neighborhood for the first time. He was asked to join a team called the Chicago Takers from Oak Park, which was sponsored by a local funeral home. The Takers team was run by Rich (Chubbs) Polfus and jump-started Stan’s career into playing big time softball throughout the Chicagoland area. Stan initially played 3rd base, but was later asked to play other positions throughout his career including shortcenter and 1st base, both of which he readily adapted to. He loved playing softball so much that the position didn’t matter as Stan grew to excel at all three. Typically batting 3rd or 4th in the lineup, he hit very well for average and in clutch situations for his teams over the years. Never one to keep his own statistics, Stan was told on numerous occasions by his coaches that he batted over .500 during his career. Winning the game, and doing something to help the team to that end, always took precedence over personal accomplishment to Stan. In addition to the Takers, Stan’s teams included: 86 Proof (no need to mention here what went on at the post game celebrations), St. Angela, Assassins, Cuckoo’s Nest, Six Pack (beer replaced vodka), O’Jays, Friar Tucks, Wedge, Blues, March Manufacturing, Hollywood Casino, The Doll House, Sports Channel and Red Dog. Stan’s personal accomplishments consist of: 1989 USSSA Championship with the Blues against the Whips in Wisconsin, 1994 ASA National Championship with Hollywood Casino, 1995 Forest Park Invitational with The Doll House, 1996 Grant Park Tournament with Sports Channel, and 1998 and 1999 Hall of Fame Tournaments with Red Dog. Additionally, Stan was a participant on teams that won such league championships as: Mt. Prospect Classic League, Oak Park, Portgage Park, Clarendon Park, Amundsen Park, Hamlin Park, Welles Park and Kosciuszko Park. He was selected to either 1st or 2nd team All-American honors several times during the ASA National tournaments. One of Stan’s most memorable moments in softball was hitting a grand slam for Sports Channel on television in the 1996 Grant Park Tournament against Rich Melman’s Lettuce team. In a great game to watch, Sports Channel beat Lettuce 16-13. For the past 5 years, Stan has been coaching girls 12-inch fast pitch for his daughters teams in Park Ridge and Chicago and having a great time doing it. “I miss playing competitive 16” softball, but we all have to grow up sooner or later” Stan says, as our adult journey takes us into more family responsibilities. Stan now dedicates his efforts full time to his daughters Kathryn and Lauren and their sports endeavors at Resurrection High School and to his wife of 20 years Peggy, the once “softball widow” who allowed Stan to play this kids game all of these years. Currently, Stan works for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago as Assistant Purchasing Agent. Stan wishes to thank the Chicago 16” Softball Hall of Fame and all of his teammates, friends and family for their support in making this great honor a reality.