Milan “Mr. Stats” Stevanovich

Since 1992, Milan Stevanovich, better known as “Mr. Stats,” has been keeping stats for the Forest Park No-Glove Nationals 16-inch Softball Tournament . He is in charge of compiling and recording player and team stats for each game during the five – day event.

Soon after each game, Mr. Stats posts the results of each team’s hits, runs, and each player’s batting average. These stats help the fans stay up to date on their favorite players and teams. Keeping the stats for all twenty-seven teams and some sixty games is not a small job. His job starts early in the day and lasts sometimes-through midnight. Through his efforts, the fans have a lasting historic and accurate record of each  No-Gloves Tournament.

Mr. Stats has also recorded statistics for many ASA and SSA National Tournaments and for the Hawthorne Park District Tournaments. Because of his dedication to the game, he has given the Chicago 16-inch Softball Hall of Fame the tools to evaluate future inductees, and he has given softball aficionados everywhere a lasting record of Chicago’s great game.