Considered to be the greatest 16” softball pitcher since 1950. Today every pitcher tries to emulate the quiet thin man who threw right and backed up to play defense. Mike came to the 16” game late after playing minor league ball for the Giants. He quickly made an impact with the Strikers and revolutionized the role of the defensive pitcher in the modern game, when he changed the “drag step” to more of a “step-back” creating a six man infield. Led by his efforts they won 181 games in ‘74 and had only 12 losses! A great defensive player with an unpredictable pick-off move, also a fine hitter and great streak hitter who was 23 for 24 in the 1974 windy City World Series of Softball. He played on six ASA National Champions (ERV Strikers, Bobcats, Lettuce, and Whips) and four USSSA World title winners. He was part of 10 championship teams in the Forest Park Tourney including Otto’s, Mr. Lucky’s, Stompers and teams noted above. Named as the MYP in more than 70 different tournaments during his career including the Winston Softball World Series and 4 USSSA World events. Mike only pitched 2 no-hitters and they were back to back in the same tourney! Only a broken hand from a line drive has really kept him away from playing more often in recent years. He was a co-host on the Miller Softball Report radio show with Tim Maher. Born 1943.