Julio Sachetti was the youngest of six children in an Italian immigrant family and the first of the children to be born in the United States. Growing up in the Italian neighborhoods of Chicago, Julio learned to play softball on the vacant lots and cinder parks of the city. Julio and his teammates from the neighborhood would pool their money to buy a bat and a couple of balls. They played pick-up games in the neighborhoods until they were eighteen when they joined competitive leagues at Garfield and Altgeld Parks during the mid to late 1930s. Julio’s main team – the Cal Ads (California and Adams) – were Altgeld Park champions from 1936 to 1939. Julio was the captain of his team and was a natural born leader. He mainly played as a catcher but was also known to play wherever his team needed him. With bulging forearms that were larger than most men’s biceps and an “eye to eye” glare at the opposing pitcher, Julio frequently singled or doubled – all while maintaining that defiant glare at the opposing pitcher. Besides being the team catalyst, Julio was responsible for team strategy that often led to some “candid” discussions with umpires. Julio and his two brothers, Louie and Joe, helped build the Chicago subway system, a trade that definitely helped build the “jackhammer forearms” that produced so many memorable hits. At age 25, and like many players of his era, World War II interrupted his playing days from 1943 – 945. He resumed playing 16″ after his discharge, competing through the mid 1950s until his retirement from softball at forty. During his years of playing, Julio Sachetti competed against many of the great players in the Windy City leagues, including Lewa Yacilla, Red Hurter, and Sam LaBarbera. With his trademark sayings “Never look afraid” and “Let’s single em to death,” Julio Sachetti relished many victories against some of the great players in softball history. As a reminder of his passion for softball, his family placed a 16″ softball with him upon his death in 1993. Julio never took the easy way in life or in softball and would have been honored on being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Julio’�s wife, Mary, and his daughters Judy, Diane, and Liz share in this great honor.