Howard Boy has been a member of the board of commissioners of the Forest Park Park District for twenty-eight years. During that time he has been a major force in making the park district one of the top recreational facilities in the Chicago area. But perhaps the greatest moments of excitement came because of where he and Sandra, his wife of forty-four years live – directly across the street from the park district. From that vantage point, they have witnessed some of sixteen-inch softball’s greatest players playing in some of its most memorable games. Besides being one of the persons responsible for bringing the Sixteen-inch Softball Hall of Fame Museum and Outdoor Park to Forest Park, Howard was involved in the development of the west end of the park and the in-line skating park, helped in the planning and building of the aquatic center and the athletic field, and participated in developing a five-year comprehensive master capital improvement plan. Under his tenure he also saw Building Four refurbished and saw the administration building renovated. Bud has been park district board president in excess of six terms. In addition to his park district duties, he is an honorary member of the Chamber of Commerce and Development of Forest Park (since its inception as Main Street) and is a member of its Centennial Committee, an organization responsible for the Elephants on Parade in 2007. He is also the commander of VFW Memorial Post 7181 in Forest Park. Howard and Sandra have four children and still live directly across from the park district. Since deceased.