The Break-A-Ways started in 1989 when a group of friends combined from other teams to play softball, hence the name Break- A-Ways. They started playing 12-inch at Janura Park in Berwyn and 16-inch at Hawthorne Park in Cicero winning many times. Playing ball together and hanging out at the sponsor after was what everyone looked forward to. They wanted to compete more so they added LaGrange, and Forest Park to the schedule, playing 5 nights a week, 1-2 games each day. Then seeking out any 16-inch competitive tournaments for the weekend. We won the USSSA state championship in 1995 and many ASA, USSSA and NSA tournaments over the years. Our total roster consisted over 40 women over the years as some became moms and had to limit playing time, but our core remained together. They played together through 2010 and continue to participate in benefit tournaments. Other parks we played at were Normandy, Wentworth, North Riverside, Grant Park, Burbank, Country Club Hills, Softball City and Mt. Greenwood. They played competitively through 2007 and continued to participate in benefits when feasible. The team was managed by HOF Inductees Kathy Apostolovich and Kim Mioni.