There is a fantastic “50 and over” and “60 and over”, 16 inch league that is thriving in Elk Grove Village, Illinois

If some of you do not know this by now.. I came upon a fantastic 50 and over and 60 and over 16 inch league that is thriving in Elk Grove.

Every Monday Night, a whole bunch of teams play over at Devon and Arlington Hts Road.

I mean a whole lot of neighborhood guys playing the game we all love… Chicago’s Game. I came to meet two legends at Elk Grove. Mr. Joe De Lorenzo and Jim Heffern.

Joe writes an amazing blog called over 50 network.

You can access it by going to:

Over 50 Network

Also you can email Joe at

Next we have Jim Heffern who started the 50 and over league some years ago. Jim is a Korean War Vet and has done broadcasting gigs all over the world.

It is my humble opinion that this league will grow by leaps and bounds and if you want to bring back what we all had and still love, (our past love of Chicago’s game), please contact Mr. Joe De Lorenzo and get a team entered into this league. You will love the fields and how they have the rules set up. Email Joe at

I am going to recommend that the blog Over 50 Network is integrated right into the 16 inch hall of fame web site going forward.

Chicago 16 INCH Softball Hall of Fame BLOG

Great work guys at Elk Grove!!!

George Bliss Softball Hotline

P.S. Wouldn’t a 50 and over Nationals be a fantastic idea??

And How about a 60 and over Nationals?? Les Duncan, Tommy Oneal, Bob Ancona, Gary Kasanders, Larry Piekarz, Hello??????

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