In 1969 a bunch of childhood friends thought it was time to stop watching the great softball games at Amundsen Park (Park9) at night and start playing ourselves. After all, as young teenagers, we thought we were pretty good after winning back to back City of Chicago Softball Championship Tournaments. After a few years of winning championships at Amundsen Park, with the talented guys joining our team, we were able to compete and contend year in and year out and win league championships and tournaments at LaFollette Park, Sayre Park, Portage Park, Oriole Park, Indian Road, Niles Park, Evanston, Thillens Field. We played and battled teams at Veterans Park in Melrose Park, Franklin Park, Forest Park, Rand Park in Des Plaines, Evanston and all the fall leagues in Mt. Prospect. Playing against and beating great softball teams like the Playboys, Josephs, Cecelia, Jets, Stompers, Lords, (almost) beating the Sobies were all highlights during our playing days. The excitement, pleasure and fun this game brought all these talented athletes over the 30 year run were memories to never be forgotten.