Growing up on Chicago’s Northwest Side as a Sox fan, Sal Vasta experienced first-hand the taunts of cross-town rivalry. But his introduction to 16″ softball through the CYO program quickly made him realize the unity of playing Chicago’s great game. He began the Blues softball team in 1969, playing in various parks around Chicago. Year after year they honed their skills until they eventually made it into the “A” and Major leagues of softball. The team’s hard work paid off in 1989 when they won the USSSA World Tournament. From 1969 until the Blues disbanded in 1991, they won over two-thousand games and numerous tournaments, including titles at the league, metro, state, and national levels. In 1985 Sal made his switch to softball fanatic complete when he added umpiring to his managing and playing responsibilities. After the break-up of the Blues in 1991, he officiated at over one-hundred games a season at all levels of softball competition. In fact, he may be the only Hall of Fame member who has played, managed, and officiated in both the ASA and USSSA national tournaments. After his two-year hiatus from manging, he returned with a new purpose – to win the Grant park Classic, the No Glove Nationals at Forest Park, and the ASA Nationals. In 1994 the team from Hollywood Casino won the ASA Nationals; the Doll House won the Forest Park Nationals in 1995, and Sports Channel won the Grant Park Classic in 1996. Although Sal Vasta has retired from softball, he still participates in sports as the Director of Umpires for the Elmhurst Baseball Leagues for the past seven years and coaches his son’s little league team. He also officiates over one-hundred high school and college basketball games and referees high school football games each year. He and his wife, Debbie, live in Elhurst with their sons, Mike and Danny.