Ron Schabinger began organizing the Jackmen in the early ‘80s for league play that began in 1982 and continued into the late ‘90s. During that time they accumulated 878 wins and won nearly forty league championships and twenty tournament titles during their uninterrupted run in leagues throughout the city and suburbs. Although teams that stay together that long often undergo changes in players, in the case of the Jackman, it was Ron Schabinger’s ability to attract the top players of the day that kept them on top. He understood that the Jackmen was an outstanding neighborhood team that followed the tradition upon which 16″ softball was formed. When not playing for and managing the Jackmen, he also played for and managed other teams throughout the city and suburbs. Besides managing softball during the summer, Ron also coached multiple sports at Schurz and Prosser High Schools. He was head girls basketball and volleyball coach at Prosser and also organized summer work programs, programs designed to teach students a variety of skills and to take pride in their school. During one summer program, students painted the entire school. Unfortunately the softball community lost Ron Schabinger in 2006 after a short battle with cancer. He will truly be missed.