After returning from Vietnam in 1971, Mark luckily bumped into Dan Fogarty, a high school friend who needed an infielder for his team, the United Retail Workers (URW). They were a top-tier team in the Elmhurst league who beat the Chiefs in extra innings at the DuPage Tournament. He also played softball with the Pirates who played in Melrose Park, Bellwood and Maywood. Towards the end of his softball career, he played with the Stray Cats in Villa Park, the Mad Dogs of Elmhurst, and the Animals in Medinah. However, most of his 30 year career was spent with the Freeloaders, an excellent west suburban team, that played in numerous leagues and tournaments throughout the Midwest. Mark was an excellent shortstop. He batted second in the lineup and never missed a game. He was valued for his clutch ability to “hit the alleys” with precision and “dump the ball” down the right-field line, as a consistent .600 hitter. Mark was named to the 1977 ASA Nationals and 1981 USSSA World All-Tournament teams.