Jim McCabe played softball in Glenview during high school from 1973 – 1974. He was with Phoenix from 1978 – 1982 as manager. His team won the league in 1978 and 1979 against such teams as the Railbirds, the Rat – Pack, and Jack Daniels. Phoenix became the Scorpions and competed in the Classic League from 1982 – 1987. He then led the Spiros from 1988 until 1996 winning the Old Style Classic at Grant Park in 1994 and 1996. From 1997 – 2001 he managed Overtime, Quest and Sage. Jim joined the Bucketheads in 2002 and helped them place 2nd in the ASA Major Nationals in 2005. The Bucketheads became Windy City in 2010, and as manager Jim was a part of the win in the Major National Championships. In 2011 Windy City once again played in the National Championship placing 2nd in the country. Jim also enjoys managing a co-ed team at work which he has been a part of since 1998.