With video camera to his eye and his trusty Nikon at the ready, Jack Stout can be found prowling the first base fence at many championship softball games. As the official photographer of the 1997 Nationals and 16 inch Softball Hall of Fame dinner and unofficial photographer at legions of other games, Jack has been recording games since he got a camcorder in 1985, as well as taking team photos during that time. After playing 12 inch ball in Pennsylvania and in the Air Force, Stout took up the 16 inch game when he moved to Chicago in 1953. He developed a love for the game after playing in industrial and church leagues. His involvement increased twenty years ago when his sons began playing Chicago’s game (Mike, HOF 2005). Jack’s library includes videotapes of thousands of games, audiotapes of Tim Maher’s Softball Report radio show for seven years, as well as thousands of team and individual pictures, many which have appeared in the Illinois Softball Report and grace many a player’s trophy shelf. He retired his camera in 2009 after some health issues, but still loves the game. Jack Stout is truly a friend of the game.