He has spent over 32 years as a top pitcher, manager and organizer in the game. His first team organized was the Rocky Stars (1946-60). The Rocky Stars dominated the Second Federal League which Holan founded by winning 10 of 12 titles during the 40s and 50s. They were also one of the best in the Alderman Petrone League at Kells Park. He then managed the Miller Taggers from 1977 through 1993. They are a proud charter member of the Classic League in Mt. Prospect. His days as manager with the Miller Taggers saw a record of 860 – 382. His team won the USSSA World Tourney in 1990 & 1991. The Miller Taggers were consistently good playing in 13 USSSA venues and 10 ASA Nationals, finishing as high as 4th, twice. They won quite a few leagues and tournaments including 2 road trip wins to the LaCrosse Event. He has been a writer and columnist on softball for many years including a newsletter in the 50s. Frank is considered to be the top historian of the Chicago softball game during the last 50 years. He is currently writing a book on the history of Chicago softball and researching title, tournaments, and stars of the past. He was elected as the first 16 inch manager to the USSSA Hall of Fame in 1996 and will be inducted in March, 1997. Named Man of the Year in Softball in 1994. His wife Jeanne and he are very proud of the fact that he coached his 4 sons on the Taggers. Born in 1924. Since deceased.