“No gloves. Never had them, Never will.” This motto, coined by Dave Novak best summarizes his years of dedication to Chicago’s game – 16” No Glove Softball. Dave began his career at the Park District of Forest Park 23 years ago in 1974 when Jim Sarno hired him as Softball League Supervisor. From 1975 to 1983 he was Superintendent of Recreation and from 1984 to present has held the position of Director of Parks and Recreation. 1998 marks the 30th Anniversary of the Forest Park Invitational Tournament and will also mark Dave’s 25 years of involvement with this event — the last 15 as Tournament Director. During the past 25 years he has had the opportunity to witness the best – of the 70s, 80s and 90s and has fond memories of this “family reunion” each July. In 1993 the Board of Park Commissioners dedicated the 25th Annual Tournament to Dave – family to honor his sister Joyce Novak, an avid softball player and fan, who was killed in a traffic accident the previous January. In addition to his association with the Forest Park Tournament, Novak was also involved in the formation of the Super 16 Pro League in 1995. He is still an integral member of that league after three seasons. Dave graduated from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale in 1973 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Recreation Administration. He and his wife Carol have two sons. Since the age of 16, both boys have been carrying on their father’s tradition by working as members of the summer maintenance ground crew staff for the No Glove Nationals and playing 16” softball. It’s truly a family affair.