Picking up where Mike Royko and Don DeBat left off, Dan Cahill penned a weekly 16-inch softball column for the Chicago Sun-Times from 1985 to 1993. Every Monday, the Clincher crowd would turn to his popular “ringers, dingers and broken fingers” column to get the softball scoops. No major daily paper has run a softball column since. Cahill became interested in the game at an early age when his father would take him to various local parks to watch the sport. He also remembers seeing the World Series of Softball on Channel 11 in the mid-70s. An avid player himself, Cahill will never forget playing against the legendary 1981 Budweiser Whips in just his third game at age 18-his love for the sport was forever forged. Cahill was one of the founders of Chicago Softball Magazine and contributed stories to the Coors Softball Report and Red, White & Green. He has made several TV and radio appearances promoting the sport.