The Juicers began their Co-Ed journey in 1988 as a recreational team in Grant Park on Saturday mornings to get together to have fun and go to sponsors downtown afterwards. The men were from several different teams, the women mostly from the Break-A-Ways. After winning at the recreational level the team soon began playing in more competitive leagues at Wentworth and Normandy Park. In 1992 we entered the co-ed level bracket in the Old Style/Miller Grant Park tournament and won it 10 years in a row. From 1992 through 2004 the Juicers compiled a record of 140 wins and 4 losses. The team was managed by Tom Balek and Dwayne Page and sponsored by Budweiser. They also earned championships at the Melrose Park Co-Ed tournament the 3 times and Armour Park tournament the only year they competed there. The team had numerous players support the core players and a few were HOF inductees including the only husband and wife HOF inductees Kim and Frank Mioni who met for the first time playing on Saturdays at Grant Park.