Bob is a pioneer of 16 Inch No Glove
Softball, playing in eight decades. Bob
began playing softball in gravel lots,
playing line ball in the late 1940s. Bob
played on numerous teams during his
career, including JJ Crispo, Bakers, and
the early Sobies to name a few. And
played with the likes of Bill Bereckis,
John Horacek, Tony Riebel and many
more Hall of Fame inductees. Other Hall
of Fame inductees: Steve Prostran, Mike
Marchinkski, Mark Frighetto, Jim Martin
and Danny Coco while a member of the
Bakers softball team as their pitcher. Bob
played in Clarendon Park, Kelly Park,
Triple A League and also in the Windy
City League in Bridgeview in the 1970s.
He has played in over 100 games per
year, because of his dedication to 16
inch no glove softball. Bob also played
league at Portage Park, Sayer Park,
Shabonna Park, Oriole Park, Ivanhoe
Tournaments, Danan’s Tournaments,
Schaumburg league, Hiawatha Park
league, Schiller Park league, James Park
league in Evanston. Bob also served in the
United States Navy for 9 years and was
a member of the United States Seal Team
division. He practiced law in a Chicago