The Flames are a North side team formed in 1974 out of Fireside Bowl by Tom Nagy. Thirty-six years later they are still together and still winning. They are a Chicago Park District team that played only at Chicago’s neighborhood parks. On weekends, they entered various tournaments, mainly to win the prize money. Over their thirty-five years, they have won more than 750 games and forty-five championships. Their record includes: championships at Horner Park, thirteen consecutive championships at Brand Park in the weekday leagues, and the Monday/Wednesday league title at Kosciusko Park three years straight. From 1997 to 2009 they won the Merrimac Park Friday league championship nine times. Flames softball was not only about winning. It was also about keeping it a family affair and having fun. Throughout the years, the Flames were sponsored by neighborhood bars – Oinkers, Red Door, Bob’s Inn, the Family Bar, Dugan’s and Wee Willy’s. They could always be found at one of these bars after a game “replaying” the action.