Perched on the bleachers with his trademark cigar clenched between his teeth, “Uncle Pete” Crnjak mumbles tips and advice to the players from The Men from Uncle, the 1988 16 inch National Class A Champions who selected their team name to honor him. Pete Crnjak developed his love of softball as a young man. After thirty years of service with Interlake Steel Company, Pete “retired” and became a barkeeper and owner of Pete’s Hide-Away located at 107th and Burley Avenue in Chicago for the past thirty years. Over these many years Crnjak has sponsored such legendary softball teams as the Eastsiders, Whips, Sports Station, Stickmen, The Men from Uncle and many women’s and neighborhood teams. A common sight at many softball tournaments is a player wearing a t-shirt from Pete’s Hideaway. Peter Crnjak is a legend among softball players all over the Chicagoland area. He continues to be a great sponsor and friend of softball. “Chicago’s game” owes a debt of gratitude to “Uncle Pete” and his generous contributions. Since Deceased.