Larry Sowa grew up on the Northwest side of Chicago where he started playing 16” softball in the alleys and playgrounds around Kosciusko Park He played C.Y.0 ball for Our Lady of Grace elementary School and played on a number of neighborhood teams during his high school days at Notre Dame in Niles. In the 1960’s and 70s he played first base for Murderer’s Row and CNA Gold, two top notch teams in their era. Later, he organized and played for the Spoilers in the early days of the Mount Prospect Park District softball program. They won the championship in the Meadows Park League, a forerunner of the Mount Prospect Classic League. Larry is currently general manager of Town and Country Distributors, Inc in Itasca, IL. He has been a major supporter of the 16”game since Town and Country sponsored the first ASA Championship held at Majewski Park in 1988. Larry’s comment best summarizes the impact of his, Larry Sowa’s and Miller Brewing Company’s sponsorship of softball, “I am just fortunate to have been in a position to help support a great game which is a big part of the Chicagoland. The Miller Brewing Company deserves most of the credit because without Miller’s financial help, it just would not be possible.